
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Giveaway - Sample & Swatch Clutch!

** The Giveaway is now over **
I'm a little late in celebrating the fact that I have 100+ followers and 100+ subscribers! Thanks for your friendship and support. In honor of this milestone I'm having my first giveaway (happy dance, I'm so excited!) a stylish photo clutch to keep your swatches and samples in. I just adore mine.

It's simple to enter. Just follow me or subscribe and leave me a comment telling me you are. If you are already a follower or subscriber comment and just say "I'm already a follower/subscriber". You can enter a second time and third time if you "like" me in Facebook or follow me on Twitter, just leave a comment telling me. You have until 1:00 pm Central time on Sunday, June 13th to enter. I'll pick a random comment number and announce the winner on Monday, June 14th.

In Decorating 101 - The Basics (go here for a review) I talked about carrying your paint and fabric samples, inspiration photos and measurements with you all the time. You never know when an unexpected trip out will yield the perfect missing decorating accessory for your home, even if you weren't planning to go shopping. Some of the best finds are unexpected. 

I have all my samples and swatches in this cute photo album/clutch. I purchased mine at Joann Fabric stores, but have since seen them at TJ Maxx. I try to have my clutch in my purse always and it sure comes in handy to match and coordinate colors. I have a good eye for color, but store lighting can really throw things out of whack.

Here are some pictures of mine to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. It has 16 4"x6" spaces so you can really have what you need at your fingertips!

Enter to win this one of your own! Open to U.S. residents only (sorry foreign friends).


  1. Hey Kat! I can't believe I'm the first to enter this giveaway...maybe it's a good sign my lucky day is coming!

    I'm already a follower of your great blog!

  2. And I follow you on twitter.

  3. And now I "Like" you on facebook.

  4. Yea!! I love giveaways!!! Congrats on 100+ followers!! I am one of them!

  5. I am now your facebook fan too!!

  6. And I am now folling you on twitter too!!

  7. AnonymousJune 02, 2010

    I love this item and sure hope I win. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm a follower.

  8. I am also a facebook fan!

  9. And a follower on twitter

  10. new follower! and by-the-way, I love this blog background - I redid a blog for a friend, and it's what I choose - love it!!

  11. I subscribe to your blog via google friend connect

    jlizgar at msn dot com

  12. I am following you via twitter

    jlizgar at msn dot com

  13. I liked you via facebook

    jlizgar at msn dot com

  14. Cute Photo Clutch! I'm a follower.

  15. AnonymousJune 08, 2010

    This is so cool!!! It would be perfect for my mom...

    ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu

  16. Just found your blog, I love it so far, and this is super cute!

  17. I am a follower on Facebook!

  18. I subscribe via email!


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