
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Barcode Art

I've become mildly obsessed with Barcode Art. I don't know what sparked the obsession, I just know I want a print in my condo. My problem? Cost. I'm super cheap. Do you think I could make it? I'm thinking it's just a lot of painters tape for the stripes and a number stencil on a canvas. I think under $20 bucks total cost with a 40% off coupon for the canvas. What do you think?

All wall sticker art for $90.

I just love the barcode graffiti at Senses Lost.

Barcode protest art shown at Ad Land.

the barcode printer: free barcode generator

Barcodes Inc has an online generator where you can change the size and the output in order to create your design.

You can barcode yourself at The barcode above contains data about my age, country, height and weight. At the site you can purchase your barcode on fun things like tattoos and dog tags. You can also get a custom painting for $350.

I'm adding the project to my lengthy craft to-do list. If you make one, show me! I'd love to hear how it went.


  1. Loving the barcode art - how cool is that? Thanks for sharing! Hey, come see me, I am giving away 3 super glam Sam Moon cuff bracelets!

  2. AnonymousJune 01, 2010

    Love it! I have actually wanted a barcode tattoo for awhile now but I haven't found a good way to incorporate it with my old school flash tattoos. A barcode on canvas would be perfect! I think I will have to add this to my lengthy to-do list as well!

  3. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

  4. Thanks for showing an interest in my Barcode Art. You can download my Barcode Portraits for FREE and print at Kinkos for less then $20.


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