
Monday, April 5, 2010

In the Kitchen - Asian Marinated Asparagus

Some of the things I look forward to in the Spring: pretty flowers after the snow, soft rain showers, marshmallow Peeps and fresh asparagus. I didn't try asparagus until I was in my mid-20's (I lead a sheltered food life). I had received a very generous gift certificate to a fancy french restaurant as a Christmas gift from work. My then husband and I and another couple went for a fabulous dinner. I was determined to try all new foods so I had escargot (snails) in a wine and butter sauce, veal with hollandaise sauce, fresh asparagus and espresso with dessert. I was hooked from then on (the escargot - not so much).

I love this recipe. It's like candy to me - I could eat a whole pound of asparagus by myself in one sitting (I don't recommend doing this as bad stomach things can happen - trust me I know). Anyway this is what I took to Easter Dinner at my Sister-in-law's parents house.

1 lb fresh asparagus trimmed (snap off the woody bottom end)
2 tablespoons of rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 teaspoon peanut oil (or other vegetable oil, but peanut is best)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon sesame oil
toasted sesame seeds for garnish (purchase them by the spices)

Steam the asparagus in a little water in the microwave until crisp tender (not soggy). For me this was 4.5 minutes, your oven may vary. Drain and rinse with cold tap water until cooled off. Set aside.

In a large ziplock bag mix all the ingredients except the sesame seeds. Place the ziplock bag in a bowl so that it's easier to pour the ingredients into. Seal the asparagus into the bag and marinate overnight in the refrigerator.

To serve remove the asparagus from the marinade and sprinkle the toasted sesame seeds on top. This recipe serves 4 and easily doubles or triples, although you might have to steam the asparagus in batches.



  1. Looks yummy!!! Found you from Metamorphosis Mondays! I'd like to invite you to come plant your "creative seeds" at my new blog party on Fridays "Plant a Punkin Seed at Punkin Seed Productions". I actually have a party open all week this week as I'm doing a give away! Hope to see you there!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  2. Found you through Friday Follow. :) Hope you decide to visit us and follow as well!

  3. This looks delish! I just bought a bunch of asparagus, so now I know what to do with it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, too!

  4. I love asparagus and look forward to when it comes up in my garden! I am bookmarking this recipe; it looks wonderful!

  5. Yum! I love asparagus and I love Asian - this recipe is a winner!

  6. Sounds delicious! I love roasted asparagus, but I'm definitely going to try your recipe. Thanks!


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