
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blog Follower & Subscription Party

My new little hobby, blogging, has become a mini obsession. So I'm pleased to announce that in the 10 weeks I've had a blog I've reached my first small milestone. Over the weekend I passed the 50 followers and 50 subscriptions mark! Whooo hooo! People like me, they really like me. (grin)

It feels so good to know that my thoughts and project ideas are being read and your comments let me know that they are helpful and enjoyable to you. The blog pushes me to get off my hind end and actually try new recipes (or cook some old favorites), to do some of the crafts that I only think about and to get to work on my bigger projects. I love sharing with you. Now I look at almost everything and think - can I make a blog post out of that? Would somebody be interested in it?

Anyway, I want to thank my followers, subscribers and readers for hanging out with me. There is only more good stuff to come! BTW - want to see something specific, or more or less of some topic I write about, send me an email or leave a comment and let me know.

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