
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cheap Thrills Thursday 18

Welcome back to Cheap Thrills Thursday! This is the place to flaunt your crafting, decorating, sewing, baking, etc. skills. Basically anything  you've made that cost $20 or less. I know you are creative and thrifty.  Show off so we can all have some cheap thrills! Last week had some wonderful projects.

A big thank you to all who participated last week. Now lets have some fun!

Black Kats Design

The Rules:

Post about anything you have done that cost $20 or less to complete.

Post about your own, not someone else work.

Put a link to my site or grab my button and put it somewhere on your blog so that others can party with us. Please remember to do this! I've been noticing some postings that don't have a link back. The link back   allows others to join in the fun!

Link directly to your post, not your blog.

Don't forget to visit other participants, spread the link love and leave a comment.

Please enter your project description in the "name" section of the link form.


  1. Thanks, Kat, for hosting!

  2. hey kat! thanks for hosting! happy thurs (:

  3. Thanks for having a cool party. Could not get your button to work (which sucks cause I really like the design) Posted a link though.

  4. Kat, I'm linking up my sister's country home. Many of her items were under $20, but honestly there are so many different things. If it doesn't work for your party, feel free to delete it! Thanks so much!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm your newest follower :) Hope you'll check out my blog!


  6. Great idea for a party - hope to link up soon. Put your button on my Favorite Linky Parties page. New follower, too!


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