
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bedroom painted!

One of my goals for the month of July was to get my son's bedroom painted. Mission accomplished! with one minor problem. I forgot to take before pictures.  So you don't get to see his room messy with posters on the walls and major dirt smudges on the 10 (I don't really know) year old flat off-white paint. Use your imagination.

Forrest cutting in; first coat

So there is paint on the walls, but much work left to be done. This was the first time painting that my son did the cutting in around the trim and the ceiling. He did a great job and most spots are pretty good, except one wall. Some touch ups are in order with ceiling paint which I hope doesn't lead to painting the ceiling.

My projects tend to move slowly and this bedroom redo will be no exception. My son was anxious to have his room back in order (meaning his computer hooked up and internet back up). So ceiling touch-ups and trim painting will have to happen another day. Along with hanging curtain rods and drapes (which are still being made), hanging art on the walls, upholstering / slipcovering his desk chair and installing some shelving above the desk. Oh and some closet and drawer organization once he leave for college in September.

Right now I'm happy with clean green walls!


  1. How nice. I love that color ;)

  2. The color looks really clean & crisp!! best of luck to your son - he'll have a great space to come back to when he visits : )


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