
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chicago Craft Social

I attended my first Chicago Craft Social Friday evening. It was TONS of fun. I met new people, learned new crafts and had some yummy snacks. There were 20 tables set up with different craft projects or demonstrations. You completed a project then moved to another table that interested you. Some of the projects I worked on were: T-shirt bag, making my own button/magnet, making seedling pots from newspaper, Origami flower balls and Collograph print making. There were many more that sounded fun, but I ran out of time. 3 hours went by so fast!

My tip for my next social: arrive early and go to the table you most want to visit first (duh). I started with the origami flowers and it took up much more time than expected (and I didn't even complete the project although I took supplies home to complete the top 1/2 and it's really cute). And then I couldn't get a seat at the polymer clay table, which I've never done. I really wanted to try the Polyform Clay Mokume Madness project that they were doing. Click on the picture to enlarge it and see the very pretty details.

I even  wanted to do the clay craft more so once I won a door prize (!!) of Polyform Clay products. I was so excited! Since I wasn't able to do the craft at the Social, I talked with the leader and got a copy of the instructions so I can try to make the jewelry at home. Their website also has tons of project ideas, like a mint tin covered with the same Mokume technique. Great for business cards and the like. It looks really cool.

Most projects I tried were super simple and required basic supplies. Of course I'll be sharing some with you over the next few weeks!

I'd show you some pictures, but I FORGOT MY CAMERA. Some blogger I am. I've resigned myself to carrying a large, heave purse with my camera (my phone camera stinks), swatches, umbrella, sunglasses, wallet, cell phone, card case, etc. in it at all times. I can't tell you the number of times in the last 2 weeks I've reached for my camera or cards and didn't have them with me. Agh! In fact I have a prototype purse, aka a purse that is now falling apart that I got at a thrift store, that is the "perfect" purse for me. All I need to do is figure out how to construct a new one! I'll be lugging all my junk while being fashionable and organized.

But back to the Craft Social. If you are in the Chicagoland area (the event was held in my hometown of Evanston) come on out next time. You can sign up on their website for emails and details on the next one. You'll have a great time and learn new stuff! Promise.

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