
Monday, May 17, 2010

Shopping at Home Goods

I was shopping at Home Goods a couple weeks ago and took pictures of some fabulous decorating items for your viewing pleasure. I felt a little weird pulling my camera out in the store to take pictures. Do other people do that?
Cute little pillow that I thought, "I could so make that!"

Beautiful knobs! 

Cool textured tissue holder. I think I could make something like this also.

Colorful artwork

 White erase board with design

This art would fit in great in my condo. Another piece I thought I could totally make on my own.

The most adorable little faux snakeskin table with silver nailhead trim!

 Coral picture frame

Don't you just love shopping?!


  1. I don't have the nerve to do it yet. I'm always worried I'll 'get in trouble'. I see lots of other bloggers do it though. Thanks for sharing! Love that store (too much!)


  2. AnonymousMay 19, 2010

    Haha! I take pictures at stores sometimes too. I always use the camera on my phone to be less conspicuous but people still notice sometimes and give me funny looks. :)


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