
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Craft Time - Twine and PVC Pipe Napkin Ring

Ah, the twinification of things continue. I made these handsome napkin rings out of jute twine, a 1.25" x 2.25" piece of PVC pipe (it was some sort of connector so I didn't have to cut anything), hot glue, a button frame, and a scrap of fabric. They are the same diameter as toilet paper tubes but mine are longer and thicker than other napkin rings I've seen. I wanted a beefier ring for a more modern appearance. I figure they cost about $1 each to make.

jute twine cost $2.24 a ball (will only need one)
PVC connectors were $.55 each
hot glue on hand
button cover frames on clearance down to $.25 for 3
small scrap of fabric on hand

I could have made them even cheaper if I used a toilet paper roll instead of the PVC pipe. I think I've spoken about how my china cabinet is crammed packed with linens. I was afraid the TP tube would get smushed. And these aren't hard to make, but I wasn't going to make them twice because one was squashed. It took about 15 minutes to make one. And another 15 minutes to figure out the best way to get a scrap of fabric in the glued on frame and looking nice (make a template of the frame ... ah ha!)

Directions are simple. Put a dollop of hot glue on the inside of the ring. Wrap the twine around a couple times in the glue so it sticks. I found it helpful if I had a long tail sticking outside of the tube and held it tightly so that the twine stuck into the glue without me having to touch it and burn my fingers. I then cut the tail off inside the tube when the glue cooled. Continue wrapping and wrapping, keeping the twine in neat lines and from overlapping. Push the twine together every so often so it's tightly wrapped. I also found it helpful to not have an extremely long piece of twine to wrap with. It was quicker to wrap a shorter length and glue it every so often then continue to pull through a long piece. When the tube was completely wrapped I glued down the end and left a tail again to pull the twine tight. I cut the tail off inside the tube when the glue was cool.

I then glued the small frame to the tube. I made a template of the frame and cut a small piece of fabric and put it in from the front. This way the fabric can be changed out as I like. I can even put a small paper monogram inside.

I have one down and 9 more to go. This is definitely an in front of the TV project. My only problem is that I don't really watch TV (or own a TV for that matter). So maybe it will be an in the morning sipping my coffee in my bathrobe type of project.

Oh, one last thing. Don't use hot glue on your brand new, very cute, vinyl tablecloth. Bad things happen. Why do I always use newspaper after the fact instead of before?!

What have you wrapped in twine?

Linking up to these wonderful blog parties. Come check out the creativity and join in the fun!


  1. This tutorial is amazing! These are definitely going on my to do list! Watch my version of your finished project!

  2. I have toilet paper tubes stock piled, so I'll probably use those. I can't wait to get started!!

  3. Brilliant! I want napkin rings and thought about making them with paper towel tubes but wasn't sure they would last. Your idea is so much better.

  4. What a great idea!!! So simple but so cute!

  5. Very chic and modern. I love these! :) Thanks for sharing your idea


  6. Love it, love it, love it! Thanks for this idea. Be blessed. Cindy

  7. WOWZERS! I would have never guessed that was pvc! GOOD THINKING! Thanks for linking this up to our Anything Related Party!

  8. Kat,
    This is such a cute idea...they look great!


    I’m having a GIVEAWAY…come by and check it out…I think you will like it!

  9. Gorgeous!! Love what you did with PVC!!

  10. Those are fabulous! I love the accent on it too. Thanks for joining Timeless Tuesday!
    Paula Grace ~

  11. luv em... A GREAT idea! Thanks for sharing. I hopped over from Life in the Pitts:)

  12. These are so great. I love the idea! Thanks.

  13. I love the shape that pipe gives them! What a great idea.

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Creative Therapy, with Life in the Pitts.

  14. Oh my gosh. These are beautiful!

    I'm hosting "Saturday is Crafty Day" on April 24th and I'd love it if you stopped by!

  15. How cute! Love that twinification :)

  16. This is such a great idea! I was always worried about the longevity of TP rolls, so this is perfect! Way to think outside of the box!

    Thanks for linking at Lucky Star Lane!

  17. You are just sooooo clever! I love these napkin rings!

  18. What a great and simple idea!!

    Thanks for linking up to I'm Lovin' It! Have a GREAT weekend!

  19. What a great idea, I could have used this tip about a week ago, saved myself a lot of time! Love it. Have a great weekend.

  20. What a GReat idea! BRAvo! :)

  21. Great idea! I've never tried to craft with pvc before! Nice work! Thanks for the link!

  22. That's really cute!! I never would have guessed it was PVC pipe under there. Love it!

    Just stopping in from New Friend Friday to say hi. :)

  23. You did a great job!!! I love crafters :)
    Happy new friend Friday,
    Following your blog and would love if you follow mine and see my craziness LOL
    A plus

  24. Those are super cute. I hope you can join me at check me out saturdays link party

  25. LOL I've done the hot glue on the vinyl tablecloth thing too!

    What a striking design. I love how it turned out. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday.

  26. This is the coolest craft I've seen in a long time! Def bookmarking this for later. Thanks for sharing it!

  27. Thanks so much for linking up on Craft schooling Sunday, great project, much more long lasting than doing it with Toilet paper tubes! all the best, and looking forward to seeing more!

  28. Wow, this is awesome! Love it! Definitely want to try!

  29. I love your napkin rings,, I've actually made some before using paper towel tube,, and your right, they get squished. The little frame on the front adds a very nice touch. I like that

  30. Wow what a great idea! PVC Pipe?! Love it. Thanks for linking this project up to Be Inspired last week.


  31. Those are just darling. What a great way to make PVC pipe cute! Thanks for sharing at 'Look at me, I'm SO Crafty!' at Fun to Craft.

  32. These are great--so easy and inexpensive with wow results--thanks for sharing!

  33. Lovely work, i just might make this myself :)

  34. AnonymousJuly 06, 2010

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  36. What an interesting idea! I love seeing how people use weird and different things to make every day ordinary things! :)


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