
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Haiku Saturday

Oh what shall I do
when my fancy turns to paint?
Why grab a roller!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kat..Barb from friendly fri. follow..You are a gal after my own heart..I read your sidebar profile & we love to do the same things!!
    I must apologize..I see you have my link party button for "My Creative Space Mondays" & are probably wondering what happened...well I started an ETSY shop (which is taking alot more of the day than i expected) then the Monday I tried to do it the mcLinky did not work right & when I went to the website it would not let me was being transformed & I could not even get in the website cuz he had it closed for some transition..Then I decided to try Cheri's Blog Hop & that worked out fine so I thought I would try that for a while..I may still do the Monday link party but just not right now while i'm trying to get Etsy started..I'm also having a Mother's day giveaway on
    I'd love for you to join us & would love for you to follow me too...I'm your newest follower!! Take care & thank you for grabbing my link party button...I'm coming back to see all your link parties..I love them as much as you do!!!Have a great day...Barb


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