
Friday, April 2, 2010

Fab Friday Favorites

This is a special Spring/Easter edition of my Fab Friday Favorites. I hope you are inspired by all the creativity!

Katherine at Own Two Hands made this cute bunny and chick from a wash cloth. This takes me back! I remember making them in Girl Scouts what seems like an eon ago.

All Sorts has a pattern for these bounding bunny pins.

Martha Stewart has directions for these adorable bunny ears.

One of my favorite sites, The Purl Bee, has instructions for wool lambs. They would also look cute (and be cheaper) in felt or fleece.

Sweet Paul (of my paper book vase fame) has taking the blog world wrapping of things sensation and used spring like yarn on these vases.

Someday Crafts has applied paper book crafting to an egg wreath. I just love the way this looks.

I absolutely ADORE Peeps. I look forward to Easter just for Peeps. They have started making them for other holidays, but I don't think they taste the same. This bunting is from Made.

No Money Mama made these no-sew little birdies. I've seen the sewn version around but these are unique.

The DIY Show-off  made these house numbers out of clay pots and vinyl numbers. I LOVE this idea. I wish I had a yard to be able to do this (condo living = no yard). The whole picture is so nice. I love the bench and the rocks and the plants. Sigh.

My fascination with wreaths continues. This ultra creative wreath is made from onions! by Simies.


  1. I absolutely love all of these ideas. Especially the PEEPS! Ahh..adorable ness!

  2. Hi there! Stopping by from the Friday follow!

  3. cute Easter stuff
    Here from FF

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