
Monday, April 26, 2010

Countdown to Christmas

It is only 242 days until Christmas. If you celebrate it do you make handmade gifts? Do you know what you are giving and to whom? Do you have a plan for when you will start making them? And then the real start date, when do you think that is?

I usually have ideas for gifts around September but don't start really making anything until around Halloween. Then I pause a little and have a mad dash after Thanksgiving to get things done. I'm usually working on something right up until the last minute. (And I'll confess that sometimes my son's (18 years old) gifts don't get made until after Christmas or July). But once I've made up my mind in September I stick with the project, no matter how tedious it becomes.

I was so proud 78 days ago when I posted that I knew what everyone would be getting. Well things have changed because I saw something similar to what I was going to make in a Sister-in-law's house - quelle horreur!

Now I have to rethink things and still try to use the supplies I've already purchased. Darn it. I was creative once, I don't know if I can be creative twice!

What are you making for the holidays?

1 comment:

  1. Your description of the annual ritual of psychotic crafting sounds OH SO familiar!! I'm def. making gifts again this usually boils down to this one burning question "What do I have to work with"!! This past year some pple got the heatpad/compress/eyemask dealie because Barley is cheap and I had a stash of terrycloth towels put up:) Made some baked goods and other goodies too! This year will prob contain some aprons as I've started upcycling/ refashioning lately. I get inspired by the things I find thrifting or get gifted like my nightie refashion. Good luck with your creative process!
    Happy Monday


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