
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Craft Time - Wordle

OK, last week I said you would see a project made with magazine strips. Well - it didn't go as planned. I need a little more time to get things working properly and then you'll see it, I promise! 

I've found the best toy for you to play with! It's a site that allows you to easily create word clouds or Wordles. You can change font, colors, and style of the word cloud. Then you can easily print them.

Below are a two Wordle thumbnails I made in only a few minutes. I know they are kind of tiny here, but click on them to be taken to the online gallery to see them in their full sized glory. They are so much cooler full sized, I promise.

Wordle: Decorate Organize Create 2

Wordle: Decorate, Create, Organize 1

A couple Wordle tips: make a list of your words in a document and past them into the software. I hadn't found an easy way to go back and add a word without starting from the beginning and loosing your previous words.  Type a word twice or three times to make it larger than the other words. In the examples I typed Decorate, Organize and Create three times and Color and Texture twice. The more words you use the fuller and nicer looking Wordle you will have.

My brothers received framed Wordles as Christmas gifts. Wouldn't they make great wedding or baby shower gifts also? Don't tell, but I plan to make one for my son's High School Graduation (he hardly ever reads my blog, so I should be safe). They are so easy, unique and fun. I hope you go forth and Wordle!


  1. This seems truly exciting idea..Am waiting to see your magazine strip project!

    This is what I made with the Wordles. I love using Wordles. I've made Christmas cards, friends gifts and other goodies with it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  3. I shall go forth and Wordle!!! Awesome, thanks so much for sharing this idea. I love words and I love being creative/artistic, so I will definitely enjoy this! I'm a new follower and I really like your blog! Come see me sometime at

    Have a great day!


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