
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Before Pictures - Alison's House

As you probably read, I took a couple days off to visit my good friends Alison and Bruce in Indianapolis IN and to help with a mini-makeover of their master bedroom with a $200 budget. We had a great time: catching up because it has been several months since we saw each other (even though Alison and I talk almost daily on the phone) shopping for supplies and accessories, planning our strategy, eating out, visiting friends, being fed great meals by Alison's husband Bruce (it was his job to feed us) going to church and taking a nap because we were plum tuckered out. Somewhere in there Alison and I managed to get a couple projects done. We didn't accomplish as much as we were hoping for in the 2 full days we had, but isn't that always the case?

Today I thought I'd share some before pictures with you. You'll notice the lovely 1980's pressboard old waterbed furniture suite that they started with. Alison couldn't wait to get real wood furniture in there. The walls look kind of pink-ish in some pictures but are really a lovely light milk chocolate color. The one wall I don't have pictures of, has the closets and the door to the room. Notice the dark purple chair? That was my first upholstery project and one of the cat's favorite place to snooze.

Over the next week or two I'll show you each project that we did so stay tuned for all the details!


  1. Why don't you feature the low-budget biscuit recipe Bruce uses to make the biscuits you guys like. It is really easy and stuff, as well as being economical.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would feature the recipe but I understand it hasn't won at the Indiana State Fair and I'm leery of its quality. Send me the recipe and I'll back up a batch for In the Kitchen Monday and let the readers decide. (grin) PS: Alison sends her LOVE.


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