
Friday, February 19, 2010

Updates Ahead

I've been blogging for just a month now. I've been making minor tweaks to my layout at night, you might not even have noticed them. I know it seems too soon for any major updates, but I'm just not happy with the general look of the blog. It's so cute, just not really me.

I've received some nice feedback from people who really like the site and especially the damask background.  And goodness knows pink is my favorite color. The title piece looked so pretty when I was featured on Finesse Your Nest. And I feel badly changing it so soon after the feature.
However, after using it for a little bit the layout feels like it reflects the old me of a few years ago with the large French Country house full of antiques, not the new me with the small condo with Mid Century Modern furnishings, informal and colorful environment and handmade accessories.

When I was building the site I saw the damask background and fell in love. I didn't take the time to look around and see what else was out there, I was so excited to get started. 

So starting tonight I will be making a major overhaul of  the look of the site. It will have a colorful new background,  updated title, font and color changes and an updated avatar (the little picture in my profile) and favicon (the little cat pink and black picture instead of the orange B for Blogger). I don't think there is necessarily a good time to make the changes, it just has to be done, and I have less readers over the weekend.

My content will be unchanged and still available throughout these updates, but things might look a little wonky. Please be patient. By late Sunday evening the new look will be complete.

I hope you will like the changes and still hang out with me once they have been made.

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