
Monday, February 8, 2010

Upcycled Felted Wool Obsession

OK, obsession is a pretty strong word. But I'm definitely enamored with upcycled felted wool. It's not my fault, it's my friend Alison's. She's a very talented quilter and wool rug hooker (you'll get to see some of her projects later). When we get together (she lives 200 miles away) we go thrift store hunting. Alison is always on the lookout for wool skirts so she can use the wool strips in her rugs. I've drooled over some of the beautiful wool we've been able to find. 

I wanted to play too! I've started to build my own little wool stash. For what purposes, you might ask, since I don't rug hook? Why for ... well darn, something will come to me. How about applique or felting with that little springy felting tool? Projects yet to be done. But the little wool stash grows. 

As I was doing laundry today, I washed two teeny tiny (size 4) gorgeous wool skirts (thrift store score)  in hot water and dried them to felt the wool. The tiny skirts would never work for rug hooking, there isn't enough fabric. However they were perfect for my crafty ways.

After the wool was felted I took apart the skirts. Cutting off the waist band and up the side seams gave me nice pieces of wool to work with. I had so much fun playing with the pretty wool that I had to make something immediately! Stay tuned for a cute felted wool flower pin project (say that fast 3 times).


  1. Does your friend Alison have a blog? I'm a rug hooker too and love to read about other hookers. Glad you've been bitten by the wool bug!

  2. Alison doesn't have a blog. But if/when she does, I'll definite post it here.


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