
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Round Up of Decorative Frames

I love the look of decorated picture frames. Since I'm going to install either a shelf or picture ledge in my living room and showcase photos, I've been obsessing about interesting and thrifty frame options. The other day I showed you how to make a frame using glass stones from the Dollar Store and one from old CD cases. Here are a few more options:

 These are from Better Homes and Gardens

A frame with buttons hot glued on.

Vintage serving pieces used to frame heritage photos. Looks like I might need to take a trip to the thrift store! (Who am I kidding? I'm there weekly anyway.)

 Black and white photos glued to the front of interesting looking books. This would be good if you need to fill in a lot of space.

Ohhh... I really like this one! How colorful and easy to coordinate (or accent) your room. Use paint chips, cut off the white bits, glue to your mat board. For this to be successful, use a very plain frame.

This is similar to using the vintage serving pieces. Use decorative plates with double stick tape to adhere the photo. I see so many cute orphan plates at the thrift store. I want to purchase them but never know what to do with them. Now I know! 

I'd also like this idea in the kitchen or dining room. Blow up a recipe card (I have my Grandmothers, Great Aunts and Mother's handwritten recipes) and use small plates to frame them out. I'd feel like I was cooking with them in the room with me.

These are from Martha Stewart (when I grow up I want to be just like Martha ... except for that prison thing of course).

She adds labels to the picture frame. I know I've seen those label things in the scrapbook aisle at the craft store. I would add labels like "Alex, age 3", "1998" or "Virginia Smith". I'm definitely going to do this. I have several pieces on display my teenage son created in art school (he's very talented). I will put the title of the piece and the year on the label.

These frames are decorated with beans. Check the grocery store, there are many attractive (and cheap) beans you could use for this project. Just hot glue them in place.

Have two pieces of glass cut and the edges ground smooth. Sandwich your photo or object between the glass and hold closed with binder clips. This has a modern or industrial look to it.

Cover the mat board with pretty fabric. Here she used neutral fabrics. I see it with bold graphics and colors. What a neat way to use up some fabric scraps you've been holding onto. Use hot glue to glue the corners down on the back side.

With all of these projects, don't use your only copy of a picture.  You can easily have digital copies made in minutes at drug stores,  Target, Walmart or photo stores (you can't copy copyrighted material) for only a few bucks. Using these decorative frames are not archival safe and you don't want to have your only copy of Great Aunt Lucy hot glued to the front of a book for all posterity. 

Did you make any of these projects? Send me a picture so I can show it off!


  1. The bean idea is wonderful!!! And no side effects! Just found you from Finesse Your Nest - Newbies! Love the frames!
    And are you a risk taker with your color and furniture! Amazing!

    Love your blog border, too!

  2. I love the vintage plate idea with the pics, really neat!!~ I am new to blogging too, and looking for new bloggers as well. Glad I found your site! Well I have been blogging for five weeks does that still count as new?? LOL, all I know is I am having fun!!~


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