
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Craft Time! - Paper Book Vase Part Deux

Remember my post about my lumpy paper vase made from an old book? I just couldn't get mine to come out anywhere near as pretty as Sweet Paul's inspirational pieces (how did he do that?). After my brother said mine looked good, I decided to embrace it and rejoice in it's clean, modern lines. A traditional vase (even if it was paper) wouldn't look as good in my place anyway.

I completed two more to keep the original one company. Remember the rule, decorate in odd numbers! They aren't perfect and I can't keep the tall one glued together in back  (I'll just put that side facing the wall), but I think they turned out like, well, contemporary sculptural pieces of art! Yes, I'm calling my craft project Art. 

Linking up to several blog parties. Be sure to check out the listing here.


  1. I've seen these! They're so cool. I may try one some day. Your's look really good! And your flower pin in the other post is adorable! I've never tried anything like that before. So creative!
    Thanks for stopping by today.

  2. HEY! LOVE the vase! We have featured your on our blog, Craft Envy! Be sure to come and grab a button!

  3. I LOVE this! they do look sculptural and the shapes compliment eachother perfectly. I haven't seen them before so thanks for sharing here!

  4. I love these!! So glad you added some more!

  5. How fun are those, what a great idea!

  6. Very cool! Love the look.

    I'm visiting from Lucky Linky Tuesday. :)

    - Michele

  7. book vases are on my list of things I want to do some day...some day - what song is that some day never comes....oh but it will...

  8. So cool! I've never seen these before, but they are awesome!
    -Becca @ The Bee Zoo

  9. These are cute! Love the trio you have - thanks for sharing where to go to for the tutorial, another thing to add to my list of things to try out! :o)

  10. I have seen these before but never thought to do it myself. Great idea!

  11. Whoa, these are awesome!

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  12. I totally think that this is art! I love the simpleness of it! I want to make some too! :)

  13. That is sooooo clever! I love it!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another great party. Don’t forget to stop by and enter my giveaway. I’ll announce the winner at next weeks party!

  14. Wow! Totally impressive! Great idea! Thanks for linking to CC!

  15. These are awesome!! I know how to make christmas tree ones, but not all these cool shapes. I can't wait to make some. They would look fabulous if you spray paint them too!

  16. Those are so cool. I love the different shapes you made!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day at My Backyard Eden!

  17. These are great! So nice to have you for the first time on Craft Schooling Sunday! I hope to see you again next week! Until then all the best! Sara

  18. WOW how neat are those?!

    Thanks for linking up to I'm Lovin' It! Hope to see you again this week!

  19. These are wonderful. I love their lines, shape, and form. Great job! Thanks for joining Timeless Tuesday!!
    Paula Grace ~

  20. Very cool and unique--thanks for linking up!

  21. So cute! You did a wonderful job! Thanks so much for linking it up to my party!



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