
Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Washington's Birthday

In the United States today is the federal holiday officially known as George Washington's Birthday. President Washington's birthday is actually February 22 but the celebration was shifted to the third Monday of February by the 1971 Uniform Monday Holiday Act.  In the mid-1980's advertisers started calling the day President's Day, also recognizing President Lincoln's birthday (which some states already did although it was never a federal holiday) on February 12, and the name seems to have stuck. As such about a dozen states have officially renamed their holiday Presidents Day to honor both Washington and Lincoln. 

Just a little history lesson with your coffee this morning.

1 comment:

  1. ProfSmoke2MuchFebruary 14, 2012

    Greetings Fellow Earth Traveler!
    G'day Kat!

    That is a MOST EXCELLENT design!
    Thank you for sharing it. Did you do a similar one for President Lincoln?

    It really made me sad when President's Day came into being. To me it's as if we've forgotten where we came from. Happy Washington's Birthday!

    Thanks again. Havea blessed day!

    Peace and Love!

    aka ProfSmoke2Much


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