
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cleaning Day

Ugh. I've had so much fun with my blog for the last 5 weeks or so that cleaning has taken a back seat. I now have dog and cat hair tumbleweeds tumbling along the hardwood floors. I keep the place tidy, because I can't stand when things are out of place. But I hate when I let it get dirty. It's so much harder to clean it than if I just kept on top of it every couple days (just to clarify -- its not like I haven't cleaned AT ALL in 5 weeks, just not as much as usual). So, I'm dressed in my comfy cleaning clothes, have my supplies handy (I think I'm going to have to go the chemical route instead of natural cleaners in the bath and kitchen), have some candles lit (just because I like to) and will be putting on some rockin' tunes to keep me moving and motivated.

My favorite cleaning tip would be to hire someone else to do it. Alas, it can't be so. What are some of your favorite tips?

1 comment:

  1. Funny...because I just said the same thing to someone else!Cleaning has taken the back seat...and that is what I should be doing when my boys are at school..instead I am blogging!


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