
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Unfinished Gifts of Christmas Past

Do you have homemade gifts that weren't finished in time for Christmas? From last year too? I do. 
I mean, it's not unusual for me to have UFOs (UnFinished Objects) hanging around the house for a couple of years(!), or until I do a major declutter and they get passed on to a friend or donated. But I feel particularly bad about having unfinished Christmas gifts lingering. I had good intentions. I had plenty of time. I had the supplies and even started. I just didn't have the "whatever"to finish. 

The unfinished Christmas gifts make me feel guilty. Like I'm somehow disrespecting the person they were intended for by not finishing them. The giftee received something else just as lovely, just not made from my marvelous hands. 

What about you? What's your guilty unfinished project secret?

1 comment:

  1. So funny. My sister came to visit last weekend. She handed me, what looks like your picture here. She asked if I wanted the fabric for my stash. It was a bunch of half made clothes she never finished. I just had to laugh.
    Thanks for coming by my blog and following. I'd like to come back to see what you do with your Craig's List cash you made. Yeah!


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